Suds Club

Dive into a world of exclusive savings and delightful surprises with Don’s Suds Club*, where we bring our very best offers right to your fingertips through text messages.

*Message and data rates may apply when you join Don’s Suds Club.

Other Specials



Senior Special!

Born before 1960? Stop by our Ryan Street or McNeese Street locations for $20 off either of our interior cleaning services.


Best Wash Wednesday

Get our Best Wash for just $10 (50% off) every Wednesday! Or use this special to get our Express Interior + package for only $40.


$10 off Oil Change

Stop into your nearest Don’s Oil Change location on Saturday for $10 off standard oil change services.
Now open until 5 PM.

Wash Bundles

Save Money with Car Wash Bundle Packs!

Purhcase a Don's Car Wash Bundle Pack and wash at your convenience while saving money.

Wash bundles also make great gifts and can be purchased online or at any of our locations.

Don's Car Wash & Quick Lube News

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